NIRGOS Holding

Vernis. PEINTURE. MATIERES. Vernis DE MEUBLES. Vernis. DISSOLVANT. NC 243. NC 218 Congo

Vernis vente. Vernis production Congo

Vernis vente. Vernis production. Matieres vente. matieres production Peinture vente. peinture production. Matieres vente. matieres production


Name - $ * / kg Packing Scope

Vernis NC-218

(Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 2314-005-5393120-2002
1,22 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for furnish of furniture and other products
from wood, maintained indoors,
and also as a ground before drawing of parquet and other Vernises

Vernis NC-243

(Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 2314-005-5393120-2002
1,24 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for furnish of furniture and other products
from wood, maintained indoors,
and also as a ground before drawing of parquet and other Vernises

Vernis NC-218

(Nitro - Cellulose)
GOST 4976-83
1,37 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for furnish of furniture and other products
from wood, maintained indoors,
and also as a ground before drawing of parquet and other Vernises

Vernis NC-243

(Nitro - Cellulose)
GOST 4976-83
1,39 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for furnish of furniture and other products
from wood, maintained indoors,
and also as a ground before drawing of parquet and other Vernises

Solvent R-646

GOST 18188-72
0,71 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for ðàçáàâëåíèÿ íèòðîöåëëþëîçíûõ
and other paint and Vernis materials

Enamel NC-132

(Nitro - Cellulose)
GOST 6631-74
in assortment
1,41 47 kg.
185 kg
Is applied to colouring metal and wooden
surfaces of products maintained indoors
and in atmospheric conditions, ÒÍÏ

Vernis NC-SB

(2102) (Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 2314-076-07505602-99
1,92 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for furnish of film materials
on basis of impregnated papers in manufacture of furniture

Vernis tanning NC-573

(Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 301-10870-76
1,55 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for preparation of working solutions
nitroemales, and also as a fixer
polymeric coverings on a leather(skin)

Enamel tanning NC-583

(Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 6-10-1027-77
in assortment
1,67 47 kg.
185 kg
Is intended for a covering of a leather(skin) of footwear,
notions products from an external surface

Food Vernis NC-581

(Nitro - Cellulose)
TU 2314-001-17895449-90
2,37 47 kg.
185 kg
Is applied as a basis to Vernises,
on a foil of packing in food-processing industry

Flank typical

21 200 L everywhere


(50 kg)
5,5 50 kg everywhere

Les matériaux de construction. La construction et la conception

  • Maison, Maisons en bois massif, Fabriquer maison bois rond. Construction maison en bois.
  • Rondins calibres, Barre, Barre traverse, Barre en bois.
  • Panneaux derives du bois.
  • Bois rond, Planche d'emballage.
  • Palettes bois. Fabricant palettes bois. Palettes standards. Palettes rénovées. .
  • Contreplaqué.
  • Placages, bios placages.
  • Panneaux de particules, OSB.
  • Lambris, Lambris bois, frises decors. Profiles bois, Garniture planche bois massif.
  • Panneaux de fibres - MDF, Lamino MDF.
  • Charbon bois, Bois cheminee, Fabrication Charbon, Fabrication Pellet.
  • Le bois chauffage en vrac. Le bois de chauffage épais Le bois de chauffage fin Le bois de chauffage ensachée préte pour la cheminée.
  • Parquet, Parquets massifs, Fabrication parquet.
  • Allumettes, Fabrication Allumettes.
  • Pellets. Bois pellets prix. Fabricant chauffage bois pellets. Bois energie, bio combustible, poele è bois, Producteur de pellets, granulés de bois.
  • Les matiéres et les composants

  • Eviers et robinets. Cuisine evier acier inoxydable bacs blanco. Eviers metal
  • Mecanisme divan - lit.
  • Produits abrasifs.
  • Palettes emballage.
  • Tubes en papier, Cones.
  • Maison étanchéité toit.

    Production chimique. Extraction chimie

  • Chimie industrielle. Prix Chimie industrielle. Cataloque fabricant vente, exporte - importe chimie industrielle
  • Dissolvants, Vernis
  • Lessive poudre
  • Amidon pommes terre

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