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Where to take money or what to do, when there is no means to pay for mortgage Congo

Where to take money or what to do, when there is no means to pay for mortgage Congo

That who takes credit, not çàñòðàõîâàí from troubles or misfortunes. Concluding credit contract on mortgage, borrower always thinks about good — house warming, pleasant cares on arrangement of house. In bank just in case expect worst and estimate how to return money if borrower is not able to extinguish credit. Such at them work. If to not secure itself against possible risks, in a crisis situation bank remains without money, and its employees — without work. So happens in autumn in USA. one who takes credit, not çàñòðàõîâàí from troubles or misfortunes. It is possible to get in failure, ñëå÷ü with a heart attack, to appear in hospital for some months, to become invalid. It is clear, that in such situation not everyone will manage to maintain operation schedule for payments under credit. Happens also irreparable: person perishes or s for any reason. Its family remains in private with bank in which apartment is incorporated.

These cases most tragical, but at same time least problematic from point of view of consequences as such situations are provided with insurance which borrower makes out simultaneously with credit. Payments after it are carried out mainly in favour of bank. Only if rest of a duty by moment of approach of insurance compensation will appear less sums of put insurance premium, a difference will give out to borrower.

insurance costs dearly

In case of death or disability (absolutely or for long term) insurance company undertakes to pay to bank rest of its duty, or a part of this duty (if disability will be recognized time and through any term borrower can extinguish credit independently). apartment, accordingly, remains in property of borrower or its family. « insurance allows to protect property interests of all participants of hypothecary transaction: both creditor, and borrower, (ñîçàåìùèêà if it is), both guarantor, and members of their families », — are made comments by chief of a department of center of complex insurance of financial risks of company " ÐÎÑÍÎ " Vitaly Us. By way, some banks go further — demand çàñòðàõîâàòü a life and health not only borrower, but also all members of its family — wife and children. In fact happen with them serious troubles, borrower inevitably will have problems with money.

If trouble has happened with an apartment, for example, there was a strong fire, financial position of borrower too can suffer. But also here insurance will come to aid. « According to legislation on mortgage, real estate, being a subject of mortgage, is necessarily insured against risk of loss (destruction) or damage », — explains Century Moustache. insurance company will extinguish rest of a duty to bank instead of borrower. Certainly, on ashes not especially it would be desirable to be pleased for bank which will not lose and in such circumstances. Thus anybody will not pay insurance to borrower. But to remain with broken trough with credit for a neck would be much more sad.

Step number one

To receive insurance payments, it is necessary to address in insurance company with application that there has come an insurance case. Certainly, it is required to show documents confirming, that you had a misfortune and that it is included into list of insurance cases specified in contract. From these documents it should be clear, what size of loss. list of documents is defined in contract of insurance.

« Insurance payment on property insurance is made at a rate of suffered loss, on personal insurance — at a rate of established insurance sum », — specifies Century Moustache. insurance company translates bank of money on account of a duty of borrower on basis of information in which size of its credit obligations is specified.

If borrower has not managed to give to insurance company all necessary documents, insurances to it not. However, if there are no documents on basis of which sum of damage pays off, really to count for certain average sum of insurance payment certain by experts of insurance company.

In contract other circumstances at which payments under insurance do not shine are specified also. For example, if deliberate deceit of insurance company will be found out at conclusion of contract: granting of doubtful data about çàñòðàõîâàííîì person, counterfeit documents on a state of health or on real estate, especially about re-plannings, civil work, available claims, claims from third parties and ò. Item

Before to pay money, insurance company will carefully check up validity of application — whether really insurant has suffered losses, whether also truth on compensation of damage is required sum specified by it.

Precisely also insurance should indemnify in case of destruction of house. Company " ÐÎÑÍÎ ", for example, brings in insurance contract even such risk, as causing of a material damage at falling on your house of flying device — direct influence of case or parts of case of flying device, cargoes or other subjects falling from flying device, and also influence air-shock wave, caused by movement of flying device at falling.

Certainly, all you will not consider, therefore in each insurance contract there will be an item on force-majeur at which approach to count on indemnification of damage it is not necessary. For consequences of hit of meteorite, casually flown ballistic missile or invasion of termites-mutants devouring monolithic walls, insurance company to answer does not gather.

Better truth

Unfortunately, from all misfortunes not çàñòðàõóåøüñÿ. borrower, its parents, favourite nephew falls ill if not; there are problems with work at borrower or its spouse. life, alas, happens, is inventive and generous on unpleasant surprises. So, there were problems with repayment of credit.

In such situation main thing — to not panic. There are some moments which should be remembered. In many cases banks with understanding concern to problems of clients but only if those inform on arisen difficulties quickly and fairly. « First of all, borrower should notify bank on problems, — vice-president of board of bank « Õîóì explains credit » Vladimir Gasyak. — In this case its actions will be characterized as a delay of payment, instead of as refusal of credit obligations ».

In practice, most likely, it will appear, that your problems especially do not excite anybody. message that payment will not be brought in time, for any reason if it is not considered an insurance case, can cause in bank clerk and a storm of indignation, and a languid parting word to try to find means and to not detain payment. It as to delay of one payment. When it is a question of non-payments under hypothecary credit, banks react not as an example more sharply, than in cases with consumer credits. If last it is admissible almost unpunishedly «äèíàìèòü» on half a year in relation to mortgage it will not pass. patience of bank bursts in rub-four months, in fact at it on hands a strong trump — right to realization of incorporated real estate.

« At positive credit history we are ready to consider application of borrower for a delay of payments of payments on basic duty for term of about six months », — chief of a department of consumer and hypothecary crediting Svedbanka Anita Berzinya makes comments. It is most widespread variant: borrower for period of difficulties receives sanction to extinguish only percent. Further it or brings passed payments in term stipulated with bank, or restructures duty — increases size of monthly payments or ïðîäëÿåò term of repayment. « decision on re-structuring a duty is accepted individually, — marks Century Ãàñÿê. — In each concrete case bank reveals potential opportunities of renewal of payment and offers schedule of payments. bank practice shows, that more often term of re-structuring does not exceed half a year ».

main thing, that financial crisis not ïåðåðîñ in a credibility gap from bank. client already significant term detains payments under credit? Most likely indulgences will not give. bank has right to give up in a delay if its experts strongly doubt that client will correct for financial business not later than in half a year. Besides it not each bank practises installments or a delay of payments. May be, what to wait longer for two-three months creditor will not want.

We choose ways

At occurrence of financial difficulties very important soberly to estimate scale of a problem: to estimate, your personal default will how much be tightened, fairly to admit to itself is a unexpected coincidence of circumstances or natural result of attitude to a life? Depending on conclusions it is necessary to choose one of two possible ways. If you are assured, that problems short-term and solved, it is not terrible to pass payments few times. Thus try to agree with bank: if credit history at you good, on couple of months of non-payments, probably, will look through fingers. « If necessary our client in written form explains reasons of insolvency then parties in common try to find conciliatory proposal, favourable to all participants », — head of block explains « Hypothecary crediting » Alpha-bank Ilya Zibarev. Other variant — to let matters drift. From bank will call or will write to find out, that happens, but two months before, possibly, will not reach. Certainly, then it is necessary to bring all passed payments in view of ïåíè and added penalties. So in a similar situation everyone operates in compliance with habits — acts by rules established by credit contract or hopes on "perhaps".

If problems have long character, and borrower is not assured, that will manage quickly to restore solvency, better as much as possible quickly to notify bank on developed situation. There first of all will suggest to sell independently incorporated habitation to return rest of a duty. sanction about sale, as a rule, make out without delays, can even help to sell an apartment through company.

bank is interested in prompt return of money, that in a portfolio not «çàâèñ» poor-quality credit. To borrower too is unprofitable to delay sale of mortgage as duty daily grows because of penal sanctions. Besides being engaged in sale of habitation it is independent, owner of an apartment will realize for it a greater sum, than bank at realization of mortgage.

By way, in banks usually appreciate a frank recognition and readiness of client to meet, that, relieving creditor from efforts with realization of mortgage through court. Leaving amicably, to such client will suggest to return, if its financial position will recover, and to receive hypothecary credit again. « We had a case when borrower has understood that it will not be possible to extinguish a greater sum of credit, has sold an apartment, and has there and then come to bank behind hypothecary credit less », — deputy head of center of hypothecary crediting tells Absolute-bank Elena Voronina.

It is better to not disappear from bank

However not all clients in a difficult situation show responsibility. Though hypothecary borrowers are distinguished with high consciousness, in a critical situation some people lose a head and do nonsenses. « Banks carry people who long time do not leave on communication with bank to malicious defaulters, do not fulfil given by them promise, give a false information, and also are not interested in operative decision of problems », — lists Century.

At once we shall warn: to disappear from bank in this case — a deadlock way. Having waited for some months and not having received from client of an intelligible explanation in occasion of non-payments, bank will bring an action against it. And there will already pass decision on realization of mortgage on account of repayment of debts. Besides cleanly moral discomfort from visiting court and not palatable dialogue with judicial police officers malicious defaulter together with habitation will lose also a decent part of its cost.

« If bank is engaged in realization of real estate it is on sale for a settling cost which, as a rule, on 20-30 % below market », — emphasizes A.Berzinya. Accordingly, owner of an apartment will receive on hands a difference between sum of a duty to bank and apartment obtained from sale by sum that is much less than in event that it would be engaged in realization independently. If in this situation in general though something will get to it … Besides credit history will be irreparably spoiled — to take new hypothecary credit it will be then practically impossible.

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