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Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes. Manufacturers sliding wardrobes. Self Assembly Sliding Door Congo

Interior design is a part of your home Solid wood kitchen to size

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers Congo

In our country and behind its(her) limits a case compartment - is not so much tribute To style, how many new instrument in historical struggle for square Meters of your small apartment.

At you low ceilings, a column acts as "navel" In middle of a corridor, room is spoiled with a confused niche, in which not any ready furniture, with a sideboard are filled up Dusty suitcases? There are no problems, order a case a compartment.

Sliding doors a case - compartment do not demand Additional space for opening. And as Such case individually is made and modelled to establish It(him) it is possible anywhere: and in a labyrinth of a corridor, and in narrowness of a study, And in a niche. There is a case a compartment for offices, bedrooms, drawing rooms, libraries, Even for children's.

to order that case a compartment which is necessary, buyer should talk to seller " in one language ", Is to know his(its) professional terminology. Some Special words and expressions.
Falseness - panel - Decorative plate which use for increase of height Case, concealments of emptiness. Under invoice and color she(it), as a rule, such , as well as furnish of doors.
Socle - basic rods, on Which establish a case. May be not bearing(carrying), and decorative Element.
Structure - a vertical frame of doors (in Some variants of cases simultaneously is also handle).
Track - maximal length directing (rail).
Melamin - decorative, proof to water and mechanical To damages a covering. Thicker, flexible and strong, than laminates
MDF - a plate from Pressed a vacuum way Wooden dust (without use epocside pitches and phenol, Which harmful to health of person).
Allocation - Superimposed ornament.
Panel - a finishing plate with Convex figure.
Fassed a mirror - an element of a decor Doors. Has special, from above semicircular form, it is pasted on Plate from laminates.

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers Congo

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
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Self Assembly Sliding Door. Wardrobe Range Congo

First, it is completely not necessary to do(make) built - in Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) integral. Instead of a back wall, lateral panels, a bottom or Roofs it is possible to use walls, a floor and a ceiling of a room. It Much more cheaply. same variant - unique decision, if You establish Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) in a narrow niche (less than 1 m in width). Having added Falsenesses - walls, you reduce a track (service life of sliding doors) and Risk to receive inconvenient in using wardrobes.

Second, doors in Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) are made not Only from a smooth finishing plate, but also from a glass, Mirrors, continuous and combined (for example, top - glass or Mirror, bottom - laminates). If means allow, it costs(stands) To use.

Thirdly which are necessary for a door (and whether they are necessary In general), depends on where it is established wardrobes and that It is supposed to store(keep) in it(him). For example, in a narrow dark premise(room) Mirror panels will be pertinent, visually they will make it(him) more widely. For library approach glass more. In a drawing room most likely Open shelfs for video - and audioequipments are required or computer.

Fourthly, complex decision of an interior is possible also On basis of furniture with sliding doors. For example, wardrobe may Smoothly to pass in a bed, then in a desk, and then in Book wardrobes, one of which sliding doors carries out a role Interroom partition. Such approach takes into account all nuances

Arrangements of walls, ceiling, doors, Windows and heating system.

So, walls Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) anything special do not differ from Walls usual ready wardrobes (with that only a difference, that at Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) them May not be). All essence in doors.

By detailed consideration it is possible to allocate all two Essentially various systems of sliding doors.

most widespread - door on perimeter is located In a steel or aluminium frame and on rollers it is rolled in a groove. Rollers In these systems usually from plastic or steel. At such principle Installations are certain lacks: high doors at casual Impact, for example, child, may slide off with directing (the truth, are easily put on a place), prevent movement may a dust, Wool of domestic animals and fine subjects which are hammered in Groove. Therefore grooves and rollers should be vacuumed periodically.

At other way of installation of a door rollers move on Directing. For increase of reliability basic roller is equipped device for prevention with directing. At moment Installations this hook is latched on bottom directing. Such Systems have raised(increased) protection against a dust.

it Is necessary to note, that on quality directing depends Noiselessness, ease of sliding of doors and service life sliderobes. On System of sliding doors long guarantee (10 years) is given.

Internal device Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) does not differ A variety.

All companies offer traditional shelfs and boxes from laminates (usual or sliding). They, as a rule, have standard sizes, therefore something extraordinary to you hardly It will be possible to order is a designer with given elements, with which You may play at own discretion. Most likely in narrow wardrobes-sliding doors you can not order small sliding (standard boxes simply do not open - doors) prevent, in rest open space for imagination is.

cellular elements Are interesting: every possible baskets and shelfs made of steel with a vinylic covering. They Provide through air circulation in wardrobes, and thanking them It is visible to a transparency, that where it is stored(kept). Convenience of such elements still And in that if necessary they can be removed and put(taken off and put) in Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) Any large-sized subject. However, all depends on that, As you have planned wardrobes but to provide such variant costs(stands).

it is not necessary to refuse a combination laminates - elements and Steel cellular. Such variant may become optimum, if you Plan Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) not only as linen sliderobes. Having established Sliding boxes from laminates, you may store(keep) in them manual tool, and In cellular baskets above them - to put(fold) linen for washing. In another part sliderobes can plan a hanger for clothes, and below, under it(her), Niche for a vacuum cleaner, from above - a mezzanine (it is quite possible with Separate doors) where to put(fold) boxes and old things...

At Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) there is a table of ranks. They Are ranged, as well as a human society. There is a middle class, is "Elite"...

To furniture of "middle class" it is possible to attribute(relate) all wardrobes, having Steel structure. An example are actively advertised and Therefore most known trade marks Mr. Doors and Stanley. With an aluminium structure it is more dear(expensive), more prestigious than system. Even more Are prestigious wardrobes with an aluminium structure and panels trimmed Natural . And most expensive(dear) - Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) from a file valuable Breeds of trees.

it Is necessary to note, that in furniture of a high class for Safety glass, not simply is usually used Covered from interior of a shock-proof film, and triplex (as in automobiles). mirror is pasted to panel, that Allows it(him) to maintain stronger impacts.

Is wardrobes in which assembly special completing are applied. As against usual , they are almost imperceptible and allow To avoid backlashes between panels. Open shelfs, due to this, Look more accurately.

Systems of maximum(supreme) class for maintenance ideal Smoothness of a course are equipped with dustproof brushes and , and their directing in addition are polished. A bad form It is considered absence of protection of a door from impacts about lateral panel. In Majority Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) special chippers are established.

Color palette at Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) is wide enough.

As a rule, standard colors - white are offered, Black, under mahogany, an oak, a nut, a pear, a pine, an ash etc. For Additional payment in some firms it is possible to order panels Exotic shades.

Color laminates with which panels are trimmed, may To vary from a party(set) to a party(set). So, for example, a dark oak Appreciablly may differ for an eye a shade and figure. At order sliderobes, seller is obliged to warn buyer, if Change of a demonstration sample is planned and to show new: it is badly considered, if firm makes wardrobes of a material, Distinct from declared. In this case it is possible to demand discount (provided that, ordering, you have looked a sample of necessary honey agaric, instead of under catalogue, and have stipulated it in contract).

All catalogues dazzle applications, that sizes

Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) are not limited. Whether truth it? Not absolutely. At Manufacturers there is a concept - " maximal height of a door " . At desire it is possible announce also higher Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes), having established a mezzanine or falseness - panel. Thus, on To base of an aluminium structure it is reached(achieved) practically not limited Height. As to length she(it) is maximal - 480 - 600 sm. If it is necessary it is more, It is necessary to join two and to divide wardrobes constructional Partition. Depth sliderobes be valid may practically Anyone, no less than width of a door. In reasonable limits, certainly. To order a removed panel from above 90-100 sm.

That your new purchase to sizes of your house in majority of firms designers who leave work To client home (payment of their visit is included usually into a total sum order also it is not stipulated separately). It(he) does(makes) gaugings, listens Wishes, gives advice(councils), and then makes project.

Payment, as a rule, is made in firm, in same place you Make and sign contract - order. It(he) is carried out during Time stipulated beforehand in time from three days about one week. If project non-standard or is executed not in Russia, performance order it is tightened(delayed) up to one - two months.

Assembly also is carried out by experts of firm.

At professional collectors usually all process Borrows(occupies) from one and a half till eight (on size and Complexities of a design).

By way to block sliding doors of any system Aperture from a wall up to a wall it is possible and it is independent, not having special Skills - it is possible to save. And with assembly full sliderobes, with Ceiling, back and lateral panels it is better to not communicate. Ease Movements of doors and a general view frequently strongly depend not only from trade mark, but also from skill of collectors.

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers Congo

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 9 ZOOM

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 10 ZOOM

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 11 ZOOM

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 12 ZOOM

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 13 ZOOM

Self Assembly Sliding Door. Wardrobe Range Congo

If at you in house it is a lot of things and you do not know where them to put(fold), That answer is simple order Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) . It(he) will help To make your house more spacious. In Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) each thing Knows place. It is very practical and convenient subject Furniture. With help Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) it is possible to carry out small Re-planning of an apartment, they perfectly will approach and in quality partition dividing(sharing) of a little bit(some) residential zones and employee For storage of things, accommodation of collections and decorative Knickknacks. Cases - sliding doors - advanced kind multipurpose Systems of storage.

On purpose(assignment) wardrobes-sliding doors may be different: Low or high, under a ceiling, narrow and wide, deep And not so, to not have back or lateral walls. Built - in Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) has much more volume, than usual Wardrobe with similar dimensions.

Sliding doors do not demand additional space For opening and consequently save a place. And as it is made Also it is modelled such wardrobes - sliding doors individually to establish it(him) It is possible anywhere: in a corridor, in a study, in a bedroom and even To bathing room. form and sizes Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) precisely correspond(meet) To that place where they are established.

Everyone Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) is unique - as on sizes and internal To device, and on appearance. It(he) serves not simply Place for storage of things, but also an ornament of a room.

Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) is system of storage passing in an element Interior and design.

Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes) - person of furniture market of a world scale. It(he) All is more and submits(conquers) hearts of people more.

Sliderobes manufacturers Congo

Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 14 ZOOM

Sliding wardrobes and home storage solutions avialble to buy online
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 15 ZOOM
Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 16 ZOOM
Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 17 ZOOM
Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 18 ZOOM
Sliding wardrobes ( sliderobes ). Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 19 ZOOM
Sliderobes manufacturers. Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 15 ZOOM
Sliderobes manufacturers. Sliding wardrobes. Sliderobes manufacturers
Sliderobes manufacturers
made to measure # 15 ZOOM

Prices take into account such parameters Congo

Prices take into account such parameters, as:

  • overall dimensions Sliding wardrobes
  • mechanisms Sliding wardrobes (sliderobes)
  • filling of doors
  • arrangement of lateral panels
  • interiors sliderobes

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