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Street tiles. A road stone. Street tiles manufacturer cost Congo

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  • Street tiles. A road stone Congo

    Street tiles manufacturer A road stone tiles manufacturer

    Street tiles. A road stone Congo

    There was time when asphalt covering has confidently entered into a life not only city, but also countrymen, having overshadowed мощеные streets and areas. Tapes of roads, greater parks and modest скверики, paths and avenues have been executed from asphalt. In course of time under influence of mechanical loading and natural factors they burnt out, растрескивались, collapsed and after repair found dark patches. People have got used to faceless roads differing from each other only by quantity of holes, cracks and spots of fresh asphalt. And still uncontrollably attract to itself those rare places where all still meets a freakish mosaic of a stone where step would be desirable to slow down and to plunge, let and for a short while, in an atmosphere of last centuries, in history of city, in surprising force of natural beauty. Legs cross with камешка on камешек, unique pattern from cobble-stones carefully picked up by ancient masters draws a sight, and it seems, what even ruthless time has stood and has receded before joint creation of nature and person. Such roadways exist, perhaps, in all old cities. They remember legs of thousand people, hoofs of horses, wheels of carriages and phaetons. On these roads first cars passed, and now on them confidently there is a modern life.

    With advent of тротуарной tiles has disappeared necessity to select stones of different sizes for creation of a road covering. Products from artificial materials have certain form and standard sizes, therefore their stacking does not borrow a lot of time. Besides тротуарная tile is strong, износостойка and is beautiful. various color scale and an opportunity of a combination of several shades allow to create coverings with absolutely unique figure. And though stone blocks from a natural stone is still actual, artificial tile simulating various natural materials, becomes all more popular. It is used practically everywhere: for мощения sidewalks, площадок before shops and cafe, at gasoline stations, in parks - for creation of paths and, certainly, without it to not manage in any way at arrangement of territory of country cottages, boarding houses, rest houses. stone blocks pleases an eye, creates special mood and gives territories accurate finished kind.

    The Street tiles is made by two ways: вибропрессованием and вибролитьем. first assumes use of rigid mixes with low maintenance of water, at second apply plastic structures which are filled in in виброформы. Both of a way allow to receive excellent result, and choice of a method of manufacture of this or that kind of a tile depends on form of a finished article, structure of a solution and preferences of manufacturer. For today вибролитьё has received more a wide circulation at Russian factories on manufacturing тротуарных coverings. With its help receive a tile of most different sizes and forms. Alongside with a smooth surface products simulating a brick, a stone blocks, boards and even wooden спилы are issued. And application during manufacture of color pigments allows to satisfy inquiries of most exacting consumers.

    Of what concrete used for manufacture of a Street tiles consists? As well as any another, it includes cement, fillers, water and additives. But considering high requirements to durability and wear resistances of finished articles, manufacturers apply only special materials. High-quality cement of mark М500 allows a ready covering to maintain long time everyday loading. As a filler sand and rubble, and only certain fractions and with high durability on compression is used. For increase of moisture resistance and resistance to differences of temperatures into structure of a concrete mix enter пластифицирующие, воздухововлекающие and гидрофобизирующие additives, and most thin fibres from polypropylene, polyamide or glasses do a tile more wearproof, durable. Forming a three-dimensional lattice, synthetic fibres that improve coupling components of concrete so, interfere with destruction of products made of it. Well and, certainly, as we speak about a color tile, during manufacture to not do without in any way painting pigments. They also allow to receive imitation of various breeds of a natural stone and even wood. For тротуарного coverings are made to pigments special demands: besides stability of dyes to alkaline environment of hardening concrete, they should resist to atmospheric influences and a sunlight.

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