NIRGOS Holding

Relaxing massage, Professional massage, massage, massage chair, FUJIIRYOKI CYBER - RELAX Congo



Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1650. Congo

2 800 $ *
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Having cured a body, find freedom! Congo

Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1650
it Is made in Japan

FUJI represents a new step of development of massage armchairs cyber-relax!

Tremendous set of functions armchair massage:

  • Massage of hands
  • Three-dimensional scanning of specific features of your body
  • 509 types of massage (50 base mechanical, 9 air, 450 combinations)
  • 10 automatic programs, 4 autoprograms volumetric massage
  • Having warmed up seats
  • Vibration of a seat
  • muscles of hips
  • Magnificent combination of mechanical and air massages
  • an armchair it is built - in 24 (!!!) air pillows and 5 levels of adjustment of force of influence of air massage
  • In addition to massage muscles function massage stop (each leg influences on 7 air pillows)
  • now is accessible
  • Unique in world a mode of a pulsation at air massage
  • Opportunity of a choice of force of massage, speed of influence, width between massage scooters.
  • Convenient control panel with display showing all stages of your massage + timer of stayed time

  • Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1650. Congo

    Air a foot

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    On a plenty of biologically active points is concentrated. on given points it is made while a foot are fixed in a special support. Stagnation of blood in also are wearily removed by means of air massage by a foot, and blood circulation amplifies.

    Massage of hands

    Compresses, presses and kneads. Gentle influence of air pillows pushes out weariness from forearms and wrists, delivering to you sensationally pleasant sensations.

    Massage of hands Massage of hands

    Volumetric massage

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    Three-dimensional massage a combination various massage simulating engineering of massage by fingers used by professional masseurs For first time is applied.

    Stretching(dragging out) massage from knees

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    New technology legs!

    muscles and popliteal muscles it is made due to fixing muscles by air pillows and subsequent moving downwards supports under legs while pillow of sitting raises knees upwards. given technology of massage to strengthen blood circulation in bottom part of a body and removes hypostases in legs.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1650. Congo

    Vibration of a seat

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    function a design of sitting of an armchair was added. Continuous and pleasant vibration attracts in a combination with air , improving blood circulation and removing wearily collected in a body.

    Three-dimensional Navigating System Original Function armchair massage !

    line of a backbone, his(its) condition - at different people are completely various and depend as on general(common) physical condition and special cases. And also loading on a backbone is various in different time of days

    We develop Unique Three-dimensional Navigating System of Scanning of a Backbone, Allowing to define(determine) a condition concrete person at present moment and to choose optimal variant of massage adjusted individually for you.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1650. Congo

    Model massage armchairs cyber-relax SKS-1650
    Sanction to use as medical equipment in Japan 27Z0878
    (the Device is registered on a category MEDICAL EQUIPMENT in Japan)

    Product is certificated

    Nominal time of lumpsum use 30 minutes
    Power consumption Basic unit 90 W
    Device 55 W
    Corner of an inclination (.) 120 - 170
    Massage armchair sizes

    Support for legs is combined:
    76 sm (). x 123 (). x 124 sm ().

    Support for legs is as much as possible lifted:
    76 sm (). x 196 (). x 76 sm ().

    Massage armchair weight 70 kg

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1800. Congo

    3 100 $ *
    buy massage armchair online

    FUJI represents a new step of development of massage armchairs cyber-relax! Congo

    Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1800
    it Is made in Japan Be convinced, that fruits of our researches in creation of COMFORT have crowned grandiose success!

    Still anybody in world did not create so perfect automated massage!

    For first time in world:
  • Massage of humeral joints
  • Three-dimensional scanning of specific features of your body
  • 509 types of massage (50 base mechanical, 9 air, 450 combinations)
  • 10 automatic programs, 4 autoprograms of VOLUMETRIC massage
  • Having warmed up seats
  • Vibration on sitting
  • muscles of hips
  • Magnificent combination of mechanical and air massages
  • an armchair it is built - in 24 (!!!) air pillows and 5 levels Adjustments of force of influence of air massage
  • In addition to massage muscles function massage stop (each leg influences on 7 air pillows)
  • now is accessible
  • Unique in world a mode of a pulsation at air massage
  • Opportunity of a choice of force of massage, speed of influence, width between massage scooters.
  • Convenient control panel with display showing all stages of your massage + timer of stayed time

  • Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1800. Congo

    Massage of shoulders


    we have lead(carried out) in-depth stu s, extensive test tests and now we offer you our new function named: " MASSAGE of SHOULDERS ".

    given function is developed by designers FUJIIRYOKI and applied in massage armchairs cyber-relax FOR FIRST TIME In WORLD! This function superb supplements usual combined massage by kneading scooters and air pillows.

    Influence directed on external humeral area, allows all humeral joint. This function allows to remove(take off) wearily and downtroddenness of muscles of a neck and a humeral joint appearing owing to loadings within day.

    Air a foot

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    On a plenty of biologically active points is concentrated. on given points it is made while a foot are fixed in a special support. Stagnation of blood in also are wearily removed by means of air massage by a foot, and blood circulation amplifies.

    Volumetric massage

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    Three-dimensional massage a combination various massage simulating engineering of massage by fingers used by professional masseurs For first time is applied.

    Stretching(dragging out) massage from knees

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    New technology legs!

    muscles and popliteal muscles it is made due to fixing muscles by air pillows and subsequent moving downwards supports under legs while pillow of sitting raises knees upwards. given technology of massage to strengthen blood circulation in bottom part of a body and removes hypostases in legs.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1800. Congo

    Vibration of a seat

    Function Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX !

    function a design of sitting of an armchair was added. Continuous and pleasant vibration attracts in a combination with air , improving blood circulation and removing wearily collected in a body.

    Three-dimensional Navigating System Original Function armchair massage !

    line of a backbone, his(its) condition - at different people are completely various and depend as on general(common) physical condition and special cases. And also loading on a backbone is various in different time of days

    We develop Unique Three-dimensional Navigating System of Scanning of a Backbone, Allowing to define(determine) a condition concrete person at present moment and to choose optimal variant of massage adjusted individually for you.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1800. Congo

    Model massage armchairs cyber-relax SKS-1800
    Sanction to use as medical equipment in Japan 27BZ0878
    Regulation of massage scooters on height at will from board
    External upholstery special breathing
    Nominal time of lumpsum use 30 minutes
    Charge of electric power 140 W (50/60 Hz)
    Timer of automatic program (.) reduced program - 7 minutes
    full program - 15 minutes
    massage with manual management - 15 minutes
    Corner of an inclination (.) 120 - 170
    Massage armchair sizes without a deviation(rejection) , support for legs is collected: - 72 sm () x 122 sm () x 123 c ()
    c it is spread out, a support for legs in vertical position: - 72 sm () x 195 sm () x 70 c ()
    Massage armchair weight 85 kg

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850. Congo

    4 500 $ *
    buy massage armchair online

    Pleasure by luxury of comfort! Congo

    Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850
    it Is made in Japan

    Want to remove(take off) weariness and a pressure(voltage) of heavy day to restore forces, to test comfort?

    Present comfort is luxury which you presume!
    Plunge into unsurpassed variety of combinations of massage!

    Massage armchair CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850 carries out mechanical, air, pulsing, kinds of massage and even thermal influence - with use of newest technical decisions:

  • Function " Extreme mechanics ", intended for deeper and strong massage, gives to you a tremendous level of comfort.
  • Three-dimensional scanning of specific features of your body
  • Combined kneading rates for deep influence on all body
  • Effective air massage of all body
  • it Is delightful flexible muscles of basis of a neck
  • Three-dimensional mode of massage
  • Unique set of combinations - 514 kinds of massage (5 extreme kinds, 50 basic kinds of mechanical massage, 9 kinds of air massage, 450 kinds Air - mechanical massage)
  • Massage of shoulders
  • Massage of hands
  • Massage of area of sitting
  • Massage and stop
  • New extension of legs
  • New design of a control panel
  • Heating and vibration of a seat

  • Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850. Congo

    Combined kneading rates for deep influence on all body

    Combined kneading rates for deep influence on all body Combined stimulation according to newest technology of a combination - and - massage. You feel gentle influence, but at any moment may choose optimal force of influence on separate parts of a body. You enjoy a pleasant relaxation while receive personal massage.

    Massage of area of a seat

    Massage of area of sitting Soft superficial influence as though raising you in air, weakens muscles areas and a back part of hips, improving blood circulation joints.

    Massage of shoulders

    Massage of shoulders Basic force of influence is put to to points on an external surface of a shoulder that allows to remove(take off) weariness from all humeral zone to lower a pressure(voltage) in cervicobrachial area and to get rid of saved up weariness.

    What purpose of massage of shoulders?

    Massage of shoulders Within day collects weariness in top part of a body from basis of a neck up to a bottom as this part of a body is frequently insufficiently mobile. By researches it is established, that influence on humeral joints removes weariness and a pressure(voltage) not only from a shoulder, but from all top part of a body.

    Massage of hands

    Compresses, presses and kneads. Gentle influence of air pillows pushes out weariness from forearms and wrists, delivering to you sensationally pleasant sensations.

    Massage of hands Massage of hands

    Massage stop and

    Bottom part of a body in which blood frequently stands and collects weariness, is squeezed, clasped and stretched(and dragged out). Such massage supports health of your legs.

    Massage stop

    stop Kneads Massage and weakens stops on which set points is located, simultaneously improving blood circulation.

    Stop it is massed by bottom pillow, it is strong to it(her) lateral pillows


    Massage  Amplified(strengthened) sipping movements directs blood from bottom part of a body to heart, preventing stagnation of blood and a lymph.

    Compression and are built in such sequence that stood too long blood has directed from a bottom upwards.

    Stretching(dragging out) massage from knees

    Knees, an ankle joint and muscles are massed by stretching(dragging out) movements that improves blood circulation and outflow of a lymph at hypostases.

    While caviar and stops are clasped and fixed, hips are pushed out upwards, and then fall downwards, that allows to stretch(drag out) knees and all bottom part of a body.

    Effective air massage of all body

    Effective air massage of all body Super-power air pump is capable to mass two areas simultaneously. You may take pleasure in more effective massage, for example, if will choose in pair a waist and legs or a back and legs.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850. Congo

    Function " Extreme mechanics " kneading scooters

    Kneading scooters are added with function we with pride we represent you essentially new design: kneading scooters are added with function " Extreme mechanics ", provide sensationally deep physical influence.

    advanced structure of " artificial hands " scooters and innovational mechanism of engine have allowed to increase penetration area of massage approximately in 1.3 times in comparison with previous models.

    Due to that mechanisms of an armchair are actuated by precision powerful engines controlled by a built - in microcomputer, you may take pleasure in a wide palette of massage from deep and strong up to easy and gentle.

    As though you are massed with hands of professional!

    control Panel

    Control panel control Panel with new design became even more perfect, is more clear and is convenient!

    For increase of convenience of management design of board was essentially improved. Now you may operate basic functions of an armchair with help only three buttons.

  • New big -screen of raised(increased) clearness
  • New function "memory" allowing you to create a personal rate of massage.
  • Function " Fast start ", allowing Immediately to start massage
  • "" buttons (11 full rates)
  • Convenient function of help
  • Convenient menu with which help easily it is possible to change during massage , speed and other parameters.
  • And many other things for your convenience

  • In given model of an armchair with shine new opportunity of adjustment is realized. Now position of scooters in basis of a neck can be adjusted not only on height, as in models of previous generations, and in a direction in front back!!! To make it it is especially simple due to new to button .

    Thus, mechanical massage in field of basis of a neck becomes even more exact located, you see in a position of scooters now it is taken into account not only growth of user, but also specific features of his(its) bearing. Suffering different degrees of stoop, i.e. a chest department of backbone, using this model, will not feel area of basis of a neck on part of scooters of our armchair.
    Three-dimensional Navigating System System of recognition of individual and varying contours of a back.

    contour of your backbone is individual and varies within day. Our three-dimensional system of navigation allows to define(determine) a contour of your backbone at present time.

    Sitting is supplied with function of vibration. Pleasant gentle vibration in harmony with soft stimulation by means of air massage removes a pressure(voltage) and improves blood circulation in hips and buttocks.

    Air massage is more effective in a combination to warming a body.

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850. Congo

    "Extreme" and bases of a neck

    New engineering of mechanical massage, differs deeper and strong influence due to unique mechanical movements. On a degree of weariness, you may choose one of 11 levels of influence.

    Deep at deep weariness or a strong pressure(voltage)

    Influence with amplified(strengthened) pressure on all area of trapezoid muscles in which pressure(voltage) collects. Such type of massage allows to remove(take off) weariness as in shoulders and area of a waist, and facilitates pains in muscles and a neuralgia. Such rate is especially shown at a syndrome of chronic weariness.

    Shoulders Waist

    "Extreme" at deep weariness or a pressure(voltage)

    Effective influence on uppermost part of a body for removal of a pressure(voltage) in shoulders. sensation is comparable with deep hands of skilled masseur, and this kind of massage as well approaches for removal be sick in a waist, at a neuralgia and .

    Shoulders Waist

    it Is delightful flexible muscles of basis of a neck

    Neck you receive new sensations from massage by "clever" scooters which, covering a back part of a neck, pleasantly stretch(drag out) her(it). This kind of massage is amazingly effective at a pressure(voltage) in cervicobrachial area. It(he) improves blood circulation, increasing inflow of blood to a brain.

    Three-dimensional mode of massage

    Three-dimensional influence is high-grade simulates movements by all hand, and not just a brush. Addition of traditional techniques of massage (, etc.) back and forth motions has allowed to create universal three-dimensional engineering, extremely close to movements of hands of professional masseur.

    Combined extension

    Combined extension Extension with use of a three-dimensional mode includes slow pushes upwards and downwards. It very much reminds pushes hands. Function may be incorporated with , or pulsing massage.

    Unique set of combinations of massage

    Combination of basic functions (such as air massage, , , extension, etc.) with muscles, back and forth motions of massage scooters and a three-dimensional mode allows to receive 514 kinds of massage.

  • Extreme: 5 kinds
  • Mechanical: 50 basic kinds
  • Air: 9 kinds
  • Air - mechanical: 450 kinds
  • Total 514 kinds
  • Extreme ( upwards)
    Effectively kneads and weakens muscles from top to bottom.

    Extreme  ( upwards)

    Perfect movements consisting from simultaneous and , remove weariness.


    Extreme ( downwards)
    Well kneads and weakens muscles from top to bottom.

    Extreme  ( downwards)

    Intense muscles relax from top to bottom.


    slow massage reminding gentle grinding by palms.


    intense muscles relax from top to bottom.


    Removes pressure(voltage) concentrated in separate points.

    Rhythmical often removes weariness which has been saved up in muscles.

    Masses, stretching(dragging out) a body from below upwards by directed pressing.

    Extension of a backbone
    (entirely / in part)
    on a backbone, stretching(dragging out) it(him).

    Extension of a backbone

    Massage armchair Fujiiryoki CYBER-RELAX SKS-1850. Congo

    Model massage armchairs cyber-relax SKS-1850
    Sanction to use as medical equipment in Japan 27Z0878
    (the Device is registered on a category MEDICAL EQUIPMENT in Japan)

    Product is certificated

    Nominal time of lumpsum use 30 minutes
    Power consumption Basic unit 90 W
    massage armchairs cyber-relax Device 55 W
    massage armchairs cyber-relax Corner of an inclination (.) 120 - 170
    Massage armchair sizes

    Support for legs is combined:
    76 sm (). And *215; 123 (). And *215; 124 sm ().

    Support for legs is as much as possible lifted:
    76 sm (). And *215; 196 (). And *215; 76 sm ().

    Massage armchair weight 83 kg



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