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    Gifts and souvenirs. A gift shop. Congo

    Interior fixtures. Sale of desk fixtures and fixtures. Bathroom fixtures. Gift fixtures and souvenirs

    As frequently we hear, that this or that room " casts pensive mood " or " from it(her) веет a cold ", or " she(it) is filled with air ". Certainly, that there was this or that image of a premise(room), merge of set of components - architecture, elements of a decor and much another is necessary.
    However as show latest researches, including from sphere of psychology, illumination most strongly influences formation of mood. It is most brightly shown in theatrical action when by means of one or whole set of receptions of submission of light in necessary place and at necessary moment director achieves occurrence in spectator of desirable scale of emotions. And thus, notice, in an interior of any style - from strict classics Big up to буффонадной diversity of a circus. Designers on light in architecture same as masters of light at theatre, should have intuitive knowledge of formation of mood. For them it is important to feel, where also what light source should be placed, that customer might receive in this room sensation of rest, and in another - an intrigue.
    And it is even better, that moods could be adjusted, putting into operation various light devices serially. Just as this or that light effect at theatre has allegory, and various light sources in design of an interior associate with different emotions. For example, candle in a candlestick at once creates an atmosphere of solemnity no matter where - in foyer of opera theatre, in solid hotel or in your dining room. If in your smart drawing room there is no candelabrum, consider, that she(it) has lost important element of elevated style. It is even worse to use a candlestick not that form. Very strong emotional effect is made with pendant light sources in a dining room, a drawing room. A bedroom - a reserved zone of night fixtures, floor fixtures and a sconce. Having stu d saved up by designers, directors of theatre and psychologists experience, it is possible to create stage settings in any premise(room).
    At variety of light sources which are made now, it is possible to achieve accentuation of attention to one zones of a premise(room), space in others,sharpness or weakened vagueness of subjects. From experience of western designers on light, most widespread desire of customers now is creation of emotionally sated, "drama" interior. To make his(its) modern means does not make special work. problem in friend - as though to not go too far. You see such interiors stimulate mentality, entertain and raise, and it may appear an excessive cargo at long influence. Therefore it is necessary to be especially cautious with резкофиксированными light sources dividing space on light and darkness. They provoke excessive intensity. " " Elements sources of bottom light - candles on a table and a flame of a fireplace are drama also at blackout of all other space. Such sources as a high candelabrum, carry to mixed - both top, and bottom - to fixtures. They as though balance between "drama" and gloomy daily occurrence.

    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Author's work
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the SEA VASE
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 600х250х190 mm
    109 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    JAPANESE SOL RS SAMURAIS - military-feudal estate. Occurrence of the first representatives of estate military-sluzhilogo nobility of Japan concerns to VII - VIII centuries d.C. In ancient Japan a word "Samurai" ("сабурай"), formed from a verb "сабурахи", had literal value - "to serve the great person, the person of the higher estate". In due course so began to name the sol rs-combatants who are on service.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the JAPANESE SOL R
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: Imitation of old silver
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 510х220х150 mm
    89 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    the Sculpture of Ancient China, as well as its art and all Chinese civilisation have the features caused by specificity of a geographical position, an environment and historical development. The cultural history of China goes back to boundary III-II of a millenium BC There is an opinion about “cultural unity, an originality and isolation” the culture generated in Ancient China. For древнекитайской sculptures, as well as all art of China are peculiar two characteristic features: традиционализм and гилозоизм (nature vision as live organism, оживотворение the nature). Connection of these lines with rationalism yields unique result: surprising feeling of the nature, ability to see in its slightest displays whole. The person in this cultural system to aspire not to nature submission, and to life in all its natural completeness and rational устроенности.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the CHINESE VASE
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: mahogany Imitation
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 670х140х120 mm
    109 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Author's work.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the COLUMN
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: Imitation of old silver
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 580х150х150 mm
    66 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Gerd - the Scandinavian female name. "Gerd" in translation into Russian - "defender" means.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: GERD
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 720х140х140 mm
    81 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Mirror pair to GERD'S fixture.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: СИГУРД
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 720х140х140 mm
    81 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Girls in the Ancient Greece, unlike young men, did not participate in the Olympic games, but the fine body was considered both at young men, and at girls divine gift and made a subject of pride and honouring of all community. Naturalness of proportions of a body was the basic criteria of female beauty. Beautiful direct correct lines of a nose, a chin, a low forehead, the big prominent eyes were considered and is underlined a roundish line of eyebrows. Perfection of ancient art of the Ancient Greece surprises till now and forces to admire all who gets acquainted with it. Products of Ancient Greek art not only give pleasure, certain norms and samples keep, but also allow to study ideals, tastes and a fashion, accepting them for classics.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the GREEK WOMAN
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 800х180х180 mm
    109 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Gipsies (the rum self-name), the people (the ethnic groups having a generality of an origin and language), living in many countries of Europe, Forward and Southern Asia, and also in the North Africa, Northern both the South America and Australia are more exact. The Gipsy nationality has developed only after ancestors of gipsies have left India in the end of 1st thousand d.C. Probably that as the reason of their outcome from India invasions of Moslems have served. Originally having settled in Forward Asia, Ц for a long time were late on east suburb of the Byzantian empire. At 13-15 centuries gipsies have extended at first on Southeast and East, and then on Central and the Western Europe, further - across the North Africa and on Northern both the South America and Australia (19 century) . In the Western Europe in the beginning of 15 centuries gipsies have been met benevolently. Later the relation to them has changed, them began to pursue as the tramps trading in a guessing and begging, outlawed, moved for limits of the state or killed. Only in the end of 18 century in the separate countries of Europe them began to concern терпимее. There was a division of gipsies on settled, semisettled and nomadic. The wandering camp of gipsies is the group moving ahead on certain, traditionally established territory and headed by the elective leader - вайдой. It is the official representative of a camp before the administrative organisations of that country where the group of gipsies wanders, he manages court under internal conflicts. Position of the woman in a camp the belittled. She submits to the father, then the husband, on it cares of full maintenance of a family with livelihood lie. Settled and semisettled gipsies execute church ceremonies of those people among which they live, and easily change the religion at resettlement. Nomadic gipsies adhere to traditional superstitions and ceremonies. The considerable part of gipsies has kept the primordial employment (processing of metal, a tree, weaving of baskets, horse breeding, a guessing) and arts (music, singing, dance, acrobatics, training of animals).
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the GIPSY
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 570х150х150 mm
    79 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Athena, a Pallada (Pallas Athene) - in Ancient Greek mythology daughter Zevsa from which head she was born fully armed, the goddess of victorious energy in all spheres of life, the patroness of a city of Athenes, подательница olives, изобретательница a plough, shipbuilding, spinning and тканья, поощрительница cerebration; at Romans the Minerva. It is represented in a helmet, with a spear, with эгидою, an owl or an olive branch. The well-known statues: a Pallada of Dzhustiniani and Pallada Velitri in Rome.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: ATHENA
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 720х190х130 mm
    89 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    the Bamboo - a fidelity and longevity symbol, and also durability and flexibility. A bamboo, a sort of the treelike cereals peculiar to tropical both subtropical Asia and America. A stalk древенистый, knotty, reaching enormous growth (25 m.), bearing on a top numerous branches, leaves ланцетовидные, flowers in branchy or simple whisks. The bamboo is applied as a building material, goes on preparation of furniture, ware, canes and other, from лубяных fibres manufacture the Chinese silk paper; Chineses use seeds and young runaways in food. Sugary allocation, bamboo sugar (табишир), is applied in porcelain manufacture.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the BAMBOO - I
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 600х140х140 mm
    87 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    the Bamboo - a fidelity and longevity symbol, and also durability and flexibility. A bamboo, a sort of the treelike cereals peculiar to tropical both subtropical Asia and America. A stalk древенистый, knotty, reaching enormous growth (25 m.), bearing on a top numerous branches, leaves ланцетовидные, flowers in branchy or simple whisks. The bamboo is applied as a building material, goes on preparation of furniture, ware, canes and other, from лубяных fibres manufacture the Chinese silk paper; Chineses use seeds and young runaways in food. Sugary allocation, bamboo sugar (табишир), is applied in porcelain manufacture.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the BAMBOO - II
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Manual list
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 600х140х140 mm
    93 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    the Cupid (from Latin cupido - strong passion), in ancient Roman mythology a love deity, an embodiment of love passion; the same that the Cupid and Greek Erot. In art, since an epoch эллинизма, cupids were often represented in the form of playful boys.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the CUPID
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 680х210х210 mm
    85 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Japanese vases is a combination of graceful forms and the refined Japanese drawing. Any of them can become a worthy gift as to the colleague, and darling.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the JAPANESE LAMP
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 480х150х150 mm
    85 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Japanese vases is a combination of graceful forms and the refined Japanese drawing. Any of them can become a worthy gift as to the colleague, and darling.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the AMULET
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 480х150х150 mm
    66 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    Japanese vases is a combination of graceful forms and the refined Japanese drawing. Any of them can become a worthy gift as to the colleague, and darling.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: the TALISMAN
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 480х170х110 mm
    66 $ *
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    Fixtures and desk fixtures in a gift shop and business - souvenirs
    Light in an interior
    Gifts Fixtures
    the Chinese vases is a combination of graceful forms. Any of them can become a worthy gift as to the colleague, and darling.
    product is executed with application of museum technologies and has an antiquarian kind.

    best gift for friends and relatives, an original souvenir to partner on business.

    Fixtures interior

    Fixtures and desk fixtures: CHINESE
    Material: an artificial marble
    the Covering: the Bronze dusting
    the Lamp shade: a fabric, рогожка sizes: 450х230х130 mm
    89 $ *
    buy online

    artificial stone - represents compaund, created on basis of various polymeric pitches with mineral наполнителями. On tasks in view selection such as pitch, a kind and structure наполнителей is carried out. best results on " an artificial stone " turn out at use of a marble crumb, quartz sand, fine fractions of a granite, plaster, talc and other minerals. At use of a marble crumb, компаунд name " литьевой a marble ".
    range of a choice is practically boundless. Use of such type of materials gives very many significant advantages in comparison with natural and building materials.
    Big freedom in a choice of design, speed of execution(performance) of complex(difficult) decisions (at times which even cannot be executed in a natural material) thus practically not conceding them(him,it) on physical and chemical and mechanical properties.
    Artificial stone - an ideal material for architects and designers. With his(its) help it is possible to realize practical anyone задумки: from a complex(difficult) sculpture up to a unusual relief. This material can be used both at internal, and in external registration of premises(rooms).
    Basic elements of manufacturing techniques of an artificial stone are known for a long time as in Russia, and Europe, but as a rule they are used enough is limited. New development in this area have enabled Company rather seriously to expand a range of activity.

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