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Feng Shui Home. Feng Shui offices. What is feng shui Feng Shui. Tips For Health. Feng Shui is for Everybody! Congo

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  • Feng Shui Home. Feng Shui offices. Feng Shui works! Congo

    Mirrors and Feng Shui Congo

    In world of Feng Shui there is a lot of talk about mirrors. Some say they can be used to send back bad energy. Others say they can be used to bring in good energy. And then others tell us we can use them to double or even triple our customers walking in door. There are countless other mirror ‘reme s’ such as putting a mirror under your bed if you sleep in a room over garage, or placing a mirror in such a way to complete a ‘missing corner’ or to keep toilet sha from entering your sleeping area. Well, we don’t have enough room in this column to explore all of it so I will give you benefit of my years of experience working with mirrors.

    Mirrors in bedrooms more often than not create sleeping problems. They cause qi to bounce around (think of geometry) and become too active for such a yin space. Qi moves on its own accord and when you give it something as reflective as a mirror as well as round objects then it will bounce and spin much like a ball set in motion on a pool table.

    Mirrors do give illusion of more space. If a mirror is placed on a wall that is opposite a window that has beautiful flowers or lovely scenery outside, then you have a reflection of that beauty inside. However, if area on other side of wall on which mirror is hanging is full of clutter then you may have that energy coming through back of mirror as well, so beauty is then diminished. Also, it is important to know what kind of qi is in wall. Think of it this way, if you like chocolate and you are given chocolate then you are happy about it. If you don’t like chocolate and you are given chocolate then you will be unhappy about it. When you are unhappy, it’s probably that others around you will become unhappy too. So it is a good idea to find out what kind of qi is in mirrored wall and how well it likes reflection being brought to it. There is some qi that has a very negative reaction to red roses or a green lawn, while there is other qi that loves red roses or green lawn. One rule of thumb in feng shui is that when qi is happy, people are happy. Yup, it’s just that simple.

    Mirrors can help move good qi around to other spaces in your home. Back to ball on pool table example – if you have really good qi coming in a door you can place a mirror so that it sends qi to other parts of house. Slow moving fans are good to help with this, too, as is color and use of pathways.

    I have experimented with ba gua mirrors for years under many diverse conditions. I have found that placing ba gua mirrors to ward of bad energy coming from a neighbor is more likely to cause problems than cure them. If you have a sharp pointing roof coming to your home it may not be as bad as you think. If it is doing harm then there are ways of landscaping or ornaments that can diffuse qi. Another rule of thumb in feng shui is to consider how to use qi rather than trying to suppress it or send it away.

    In old days mirrors were really highly polished metal pieces. Today we have glass with silver on back. silver wears away over time leaving mirrors less clear than when they were new. It is said that image and some energy of every person that passes by or looks into mirror is held in silver backing. Fact or superstition? I don’t know for sure. I do know that after removing old mirrors from my home and replacing them with new ones I experienced an instant relief. ‘Clearing’ mirrors in public places such as department stores and hair salons has helped impact well being and happiness of people working in those places. I have actually seen mood of customers become happier after mirrors were cleared.

    Many Changing Colors of Feng Shui Congo

    Although many years ago it wasn't a primary thing to go over unless I was doing a remodel, I was not asked much by my clients about colors they should use.  I typically saw traditional light and pale walls and white ceilings and doors and there didn't seem to be much of an interest in what would be "Feng Shui" colors to implement into their new spaces.

    Now it is something we cover with every consultation.  People I believe are more in tune with colors and not ones Feng Shui typically consider "best" colors to use though out certain parts of your home or office.  I myself get confused by contradictory books.  I read two recently that suggests painting your front door black.  Did that rule out former principle of painting your front door Red, to bring in good fortune and auspicious chi?  And what about clients who wanted a regular white door because that is what they are comfortable with?

    I myself in last several years have experimented much more with colors in my own space, colors that for one reason or another would not have been chosen as a "Feng Shui" Color, but I am perfectly in tune with them and love feeling.  I think that use of colors lifts us up and brightens us, whatever our color choices are.  And although I still have some strong suggestions for my clients, I am finding they are also more in tune with choosing colors and non traditional colors in almost every area of their spaces and they love it.

    As for front door dilemma, I would like a client to use their own good taste on what would best suit their likes and dislikes.  While it is true to grace an entrance way, if my client wants to use white they can always hang a colorful wreath around it.  And something lovely that says "Welcome" as that is what you truly wish people to feel upon entering your home.  I don't believe your door has to be either red or black as books suggest.  Isn't it said good Chi follows good people?

    The controversy about Feng Shui Colors for Bedrooms wages on.  Don't use red, you are told, it is too stimulating and won't promote good and restful sleep.  Except that lights are off when you are sleeping and I can't find a thing wrong with a stimulating bedroom while you are awake!  My advice to my clients is simply that bedrooms are shared rooms and should require both of adults occupying space to agree on a color they are both in tune with.  There are many other ways to promote restful sleep your body needs to restore each night and I have seen absolutely beautiful bedrooms where people are sleeping well and feeling restored.

    This brings me briefly to another point I came across recently.  It is a fact that energy from above you hangs down over you (be careful of cluttered attics) and energy from below you rises up (which is why we are so careful not to cram basement with clutter as well).  Why, then, is it said to put a Red Sheet to sleep on under your mattress?  Your body is more unprotected then at any other time while sleeping.  I do not promote putting a red, stimulating color under your mattress to have that energy rising up while you actually are trying to rest and restore.  I am trying to figure that one out, but until I do I just don't recommend it!

    I was recently asked to give a consultation at a home that was undergoing extreme renovations.  What I had not realized as we were speaking at length about different issues what upstairs of home was primarily done.  I have to give my wonderful clients credit for letting their children pick out their own colors for their rooms.  Long gone were pale pinks and blues I am used to seeing and they had each chosen a brighter, more pastel color.  They all loved their rooms, slept well, did not become overactive or have any difficulties at all.  And they loved spending time in their rooms as well.

    I give my client a lot of credits for letting them take a part in very important decision process of choosing colors they wanted and felt well in.  And quite frankly, when doors are all open upstairs and you get a glimpse of each room vibrant with color, it looks like a palette upstairs.  It also did something for children, which was made them feel valued; their opinion counted and it gave them esteem as well as a beautiful room they could truly enjoy.

    I do stick with principles of leaving entranceways light and inviting.  Not white necessarily, but sticking to a light color in this area does make people feel warm and welcomed.  And choosing a darker color in this area can make people feel closed in and a sort of heaviness they are probably not even aware of.  It also opens up entryway making it feel larger.

    So what then, are, proper Feng Shui Colors for any rooms? I have seen Reds in every type of room and love it.  I have seen white ceilings done away with and loved that as well.  I have seen bright bedrooms, more vibrant shades and people truly expressing who they are through their use of color and I don't discourage it, as a matter of fact, I am usually in tune with it myself.

    Perhaps it was too many years of white, off white, cream, eggshell or any other name you wanted to use for traditional paint colors through out an entire home.  Or maybe that people are instinctively feeling what is a good color to surround themselves with.  It can be different for everyone.

    My final thought on painting a new color is simply this.  Through my own mistakes, I found that light changes colors sometimes dramatically as it changes throughout day and into evening.  As our lights at home are usually standard bulbs, it can make look drastically different.  I am a huge fan of Benjamin Moore color samples and choosing a day when you can see color you are thinking of choosing at different times of day and into evening.  That way you can get all perspectives of colors and know what your room will look like before you paint it.  And won't have any unhappy surprises after job is done.

    Good luck with your color choices; they reflect your state of mind, enhance your moods and make YOU feel good in every room of your space!  And isn't that what a good "Feng Shui" Color is supposed to do?

    Explaining Myth Congo

    A fairly large amount of emails I receive are from people asking about use of objects, colours, and numbers in practice of Feng Shui. This is understandable as there is still a lack of resources available dedicated to study of classical Feng Shui.

    This is not to say that crystals or numbers have no significance at all. To be fair, today there are stu s and research devoted to crystals and natural stones. However, these do not form any basis in classical Feng Shui stu s.

    All branches of Chinese Metaphysics, be it astrology, longevity, medicine, divination, or Feng Shui, is laid on understanding of Cosmic Trinity of Heaven, Earth, and Man. Each of these three components is able to influence an individuals Destiny.

    So if you are asked, Can Feng Shui solve all our problems?

    The answer, is quite simply, NO.

    Feng Shui, belonging to Earth luck, is study of environments Qi (or energy) and how a building receives this Qi. For one event to take place in Mans destiny, wheels of Heaven, Earth, and Man have to be aligned. While we have no control over Heavens will, given factor, we have total control over our own actions and decisions, or Man luck. Feng Shui then comes in as last key to influence events to a certain degree maximise good and minimise bad.

    So does Feng Shui work on a belief basis? Does it involve affirmations or chanting? Will it be considered blasphemous against your religion?

    Once again, answer is a resounding NO.

    Firstly, Feng Shui is not a religion nor is it spiritual in nature. For example, we do not have to believe in gravity in order for us to stay firmly on ground, right? Although ancient Chinese did not discover Law of Gravity per se, they did however, attribute forces that have a downward moving tendency as Water Qi. Energy that rises was termed as Fire. Inertia is synonymous with Earth Qi. Indeed, Five Elements were not referring solely to actual, tangible elements, but conditions or phases of energy. This too is a wide misconception today that needs to be clarified.

    Five Feng Shui Tips for Home Offices Congo

    Feng Shui--said "feng shway"--is Chinese art of design and placement. It literally means "wind and water," and refers to principles of flow and easy movement in both indoor and outdoor places.

    Here are five fast Feng Shui tips to improve your home office.

    1. What you see is what you get. What's very first thing that a visitor to your home office would notice? Is it clutter? Is it great view out your window? Both can be detrimental to your business.

    Your visitors should see one, important object or focal point, which is a symbol of your business successes and your expertise. It could be a display of your awards. It may be a painting or a poster showing best of what you sell. But, it should evoke a mental "Oh, how wonderful!" response from visitors, and remind you daily of your business achievements.

    2. Display nothing higher than eye level. Many people maximize available space by using tops of cabinets and bookcases for storage. Tall storage fixtures are fine, as long as there is visible evidence of their stability. One solution is fancy hardware that holds fixture to wall.

    However, Feng Shui suggests that anything that could land on someone's head during a dramatic earthquake--no matter how unlikely--can send a subliminal message of "something's about to fall on you."

    Have you ever felt an uneasy sense of "loose ends," or as if something is about to land on you, out of blue? This could result from objects stored too high overhead. In your home office, it's vital to find alternative storage, out of sight.

    3. Keep your entry as open as possible. From "wind and water" viewpoint, it's important to leave maximum space around entering visitors. A coat rack or literature display may seem a practical idea, but if it's too close to door, it can reduce inflow of business and income.

    Pretend that you're wearing a huge, fluffy raccoon coat when you enter your workplace. Or imagine that your aura extends at least a foot from your body in all directions. Enter your home office and walk around. Would your coat (or aura) get snagged on anything? If so, put it somewhere else. You and your office visitors should feel entirely at ease as they move around your office.

    4. Keep your desk as clean and uncluttered as possible. Some people think that a stack of papers makes them "look busy." Remove all but most essential tools from your desk. A fresh flower or two is fine; otherwise reduce desk decor to a minimum. space that you create on your desk also creates space for greater success and new business.

    5. Remove all clutter from your office. Even if you work alone at home and no one sees your workspace, clutter has got to go. Whether it's one small pile related to a project, reference books stacked on floor, or a chronic storage problem throughout your home office, clutter symbolize snags and snarls in flows of your business.

    April Fool's Day is signal for spring cleaning! Set an alarm for 15 minutes daily, and do nothing but clean and organize your home office. By keeping your office fresh and clutter-free, you'll improve general sense of well-being--and professionalism--in your work. You'll feel better and your business will benefit.

    Feng Shui is for Everybody! Congo

    With all focus on Feng Shui these past few years, it seems that every other individual knows at least something about subject, even if information may be slightly skewed. My line of work coupled with my penchant for meeting new people often bring me to unavoidable situations when you meet so and so, and ultimately divulge your job to be met with cries of delight followed by a stream of questions. first would almost always be,

    "How's my Feng Shui?"

    (If I had a dollar for every time a new acquaintance asks me that question, believe me, I'd be very happy from being very rich!)

    After assuring them that I could not tell them their house Feng Shui without any reference, it would be off to other questions. I am sure you would have encountered these questions sometime or other,

    "I read somewhere that placing this and that here and there would bring me good luck. Is that true?"
    "Someone told me to buy something to avert incoming disaster."
    "I am a Christian/Buddhist/Muslim and it is against my religion to believe in other religions."
    "How do I increase my wealth luck?"
    "Isn't Feng Shui some new age phooey?"
    "Why don't you come by my house to look at it for a bit?"
    "What colours should I wear?"
    "How do I strike lottery? Any tips?"
    "So there's this guy..."

    I can't tell you everything at one go, but if you are a beginner in Feng Shui, there are some things you need to know. Let's start with 5, and here we go.

    Feng Shui is for Everybody!

    There is no age limit nor gender discrimination as to who can or cannot practise Feng Shui. I once encountered a man in very colourful robes who informed me that Feng Shui is only for men for they are higher elevated beings... or something. What utter rubbish; Fred Flintstone makes a much better company than him.

    If you have interest and desire to pursue knowledge, then Feng Shui is definitely for you, no matter whom you are.

    Feng Shui is NOT based on any religions

    We learnt that as religion spreads throughout world, it is infused with local culture as to make a certain religion more appealing and acceptable to people in that particular country. Though there may be slight variations, basic tenets almost always remain same.

    Feng Shui did originate from China and may have picked up certain Chinese cultural-sy traits throughout years. However it must be noted that you do not need to deviate from your own religion in order to learn Feng Shui, for it has absolutely nothing to do with ANY religions.

    Having said that, you may encounter fractions of Feng Shui practises. It is same with culture of religions -- as mentioned, as religions travel seas they take on local flavour. Hence you have for example, Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism, and Catholics and Protestants which is more of a question of different beliefs but same belief that there is only one God).

    Likewise there are different Feng Shui sects, and some methods one sect used may not be used or even approved by another sect. good news is, classical Feng Shui does not require burning of incense nor muttered chants.

    Feng Shui does NOT cost an arm and a leg

    Contrary to popular belief, Feng Shui need not be expensive. Of course if your desire to study it leads you to next step, you may have to spend some money on educational material -- ie books and courses. All these are not expensive and can be taken at one step at a time, however it is imperative not to fall for costly quick fixes that promise world yet deliver little, leaving only your wallet a lot lighter. Why, in advanced Feng Shui, all you need is a good compass!

    So next time someone asks you to buy a disfigured frog in name of Feng Shui, you'd know better.

    Feng Shui is organic

    You do not need to fill your home or office with decors relating to Chinese culture, unless you really like them and understand that they have nothing to do with Feng Shui. Often best Feng Shui-ed places were done so conspicuously that you wouldn't notice a thing! True Feng Shui workings do not have to stand out so much nor look out of place. You just need a nudge towards real Feng Shui.

    Ultimately it is still study of qi and we want it to be balanced and in harmony as much as possible, benefitting you and your family members and bring in good fortune. It does not take lucky cats to do that.

    Feng Shui works!

    At risk of sounding like a broken record, Feng Shui does work, provided you practise classical Feng Shui and make an effort to understand more about it. Do not go for quick but expensive fixes, do not believe someone when they say they could perform a 'water dragon' audit for you in 10 minutes, run for your life if you hear 'ohm' and smell sweet incense. It is not wrong to do that, but they are not Feng Shui and you deserve more than superstitious trickery.

    Feng Shui Tips For Health Congo

    Identify your Heavenly Doctor location first of all by making use of your Gua number. For good health, sleep with your head directed towards Heavenly Doctor location (when you are prone on bed, your head should be pointing towards this location – not your feet!). If you sleep with your spouse or partner and you’re not sure on how to proceed, no worries. both of you should then sleep accordingly following main breadwinner’s Heavenly Doctor location.

    If this is not possible for you, next best thing is to simply sleep with your head pointing towards your other two auspicious directions according to your Gua number.

    Now that’s done, battle’s already half won! next step to Feng Shui your way to a better health is to utilize metal cures. Metal cures are really just Feng Shui items with metal make. What makes these pieces so precious are their potent power in weakening dreaded malignant stars #2 Black and #5 Yellow. #2 Black star is also known as Sickness star, whereas #5 Yellow is Accident star. And as such, you can see that they aren’t conducive to a healthy you.

    Choose metal cures with health-related properties – such as Wu Lous, or gourds – to increase your health factor and place them in your Southeast and West location of home for year 2006.

    How about making use of gemstones for some crystal healing? jade crystal has long been touted as stone to turn to for health crises. jade stone, fresh and effervescent, is reputed to be a cure for all types of ills and pains. We like this crystal because it’s a beautiful Oriental- themed item suitable for sprucing up home and its health-rich benefits are indispensable for health-conscious among us!

    Jade items in shape of tortoise, Chinese coins and even wu lous are very auspicious to have, since marriage between jade and a health-rich Feng Shui item is a double-plus for your health. Place these items close to you in bedroom or around your office space.

    Having your feet planted in direction of your bedroom door while you sleep night away is not very auspicious for you, since this connotes to you being ‘carried’ away to netherworld. Simply reposition your bed to avoid this, or place a screen between bed and door. Remember that in Feng Shui, rule of thumb is out of sight, out of mind.

    Mirrors in bedroom are perfectly fine during day, but come nighttime, it’s not very auspicious for you if you can see yourself in mirror lying down. No, you don’t need to throw out your beloved dressing mirror just yet! Just simply cover it up with a piece of cloth at night. You can take it off as soon as you wake up in morning.

    And last but not least, keeping a close eye on what you eat and drink, as well as augmenting your day with at least some type of exercise regimen is also important in maintaining good health. All Feng Shui in world will not save you if you won’t help yourself first! Remember that your own actions in this lifetime is called Man Luck, and makes up a big percentage of your life path potential as well. Make an effort to keep fit, and stock up on green veggies and fresh fruit as well. Smoking and drinking excessively is not good for your body (and soul) in long run as well, so do keep this in mind.

    Feng Shui Home. Feng Shui offices. Feng Shui works!

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