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    Manufacturer solid wood doors for houses Congo

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    Solid wood doors for houses
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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    Solid wood doors for houses
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    Solid wood doors for houses
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    The paint in any color is possible

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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    The paint in any color is possible

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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    The paint in any color is possible

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    solid wood doors manufacturer
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    Solid wood doors for houses
    Tight packing
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    sm : 120 / 130 / 140 / 150 / 160
    The paint in any color is possible

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    Interior solid wood doors Congo

    Functional properties of doors are caused by their sizes, features of device, a material of which they are made, quality and a way of adjustment of a door cloth.
    Height of a cloth of typical external doors makes usually 2,0 - 2,1 meters, width (1 - doors) - 0,8 - 1,0 meters, Thickness - 40-50 mm; cloths of inside doors may be already and same on width or already up to 60-70 mm and are more thin - up to 30 mm. Clearly, that The more a doorway, solid wood should be interior door that in a due measure to execute warmly and sound-proof functions. The basic materials of which external doors are made, wood and metal are. Metal interior doors Radiate a cold also are more transparent on a sound, Than wooden, more Rustle in work also are subject to temperature compression and expansion. best variant of use metal interior doors is at what she(it) is hung in parallel wooden interior doors within limits of one doorway. In this case she(it) should open outside, and wooden interior a door - inside. Such hall block from two doors reliably protects dwelling from an environment and from uninvited visitors. door block of entrance doors may be executed from a combination of metal and a tree, for example: box and a frame is made of metal, and a covering of a cloth - from a tree. On manufacturing of inside doors there is mainly a wood or plastic. Doors from plastic differ grace and ease, do not demand colouring, are durable, but not too strong protect a premise ( room ) from external noise not worse. In connection with necessity of illumination of vestibules, corridors and other dark premises(rooms) a daylight part of inside doors is carried out with a glass filler of a door cloth. Glass interior doors not so massiv on a kind, as Carved or smooth, however Their sound-proof properties leave to wish best.
    it Is traditional in dwelling we deal Swinging open with solid wood doors. They it is more convenient in using at small apertures, than sliding or collapsible. The need(requirement) for rather significant free space concerns to serious lacks Swinging open solid wood doors before them, necessary for their opening. With this lack, and also with position of a doorway in a wall frequently it is necessary to be considered at a lay-out of furniture in a premise ( room ) . The most unsuccessful for a lay-out of furniture should recognize as variant at what entrance aperture is on distance less than 1 m from a wall, aside Which interior door opens. In this case space of a room within limits of width of a door cloth is practically lost for any subject of conditions. From other party(side) of such aperture irrationally to place close to it(him) high and wide case furniture (for example, a case) as cornered rooms interior door looks from it also failed. door which is taking place in a face wall of a rectangular room, is evident less and influences an interior of a room, than interior a door in less To long wall. From position of a doorway and from character of furniture of a room it is necessary to proceed at definition of character of registration of a door.
    Take on a note.
    Deaf(indistinct) Carved interior solid wood doors are looked massive, than glazed and smooth, And not in all cases may be best variant for an interior of a room. From point of view of complete perception(recognition) of an interior of a premise ( room ) interior door is big birthmark on a wall and consequently very important is true to define(determine), that with this stain it is necessary to do(make): whether to make his(its) less appreciable, whether to disguise it(him) under furniture, whether, on contrary, to allocate and inform it(him) decorative functions with purpose of an ornament of a wall.
    Is harmonious to enter interior a door in an interior of a premise ( room ) to us following advice(councils) will help.
    - solid wood doors in a wall with which furniture section is placed, should be massive (Carved deaf persons or with partial With glass or smooth, or Smooth with superimposed panels) and painted under color of furniture.
    - If wall with a doorway is rather free from furniture or along it(her) low furniture - a sofa, armchairs, a locker, a table is placed, commode and other subjects of an interior, interior door less whenever possible for what it is possible to use should be evident, entirely glazed or smooth door cloth. Color of surfaces of a doorway should coincide or be to relatives to color of a wall.
    Under other other conditions it is necessary to observe following rule.
    A rule.
    Massive interior solid wood doors (dark and deaf(indistinct)) do not approach for small premises(rooms); in big premises(rooms) any variants are possible(probable).
    In some cases contrast allocation of a door is justified. We shall consider some possible(probable) variants at which accentuation interior plays solid wood doors on a hand to an interior.
    Variant 1
    door is in middle a small wall in length no more than 3 m. In this case interior door should play a role of an allocated plane of symmetry of a wall and to simulate furniture. With this it is good to consult(cope) deaf(indistinct) Carved or smooth solid wood doors with superimposed panels, painted under color of a tree or trimmed veneer. In piers on both parties(sides) of a doorway it is possible to establish low and narrow furniture, for example: two identical commode or two identical lockers, having placed on them desk lamps or That or another. Symmetrically it is possible to decorate lateral piers pictures in identical frames; pier above interior a door is desirable for disguising an overlay from a material, under invoice and color similar to a material of a door, for example thick plywood trimmed veneer and platbands
    Variant 2.
    door (or some solid wood doors) is in big wall. In this case it is meaningful to enter a door (or interior solid wood doors) in Racks furniture, having given to door block contrast in relation to furniture colouring. Interior door it appears in a furniture niche and successfully accompanies idea of a continuous furniture wall
    Certainly, given variants - not unique in registration of an interior. Effectively looks interior a door in an environment, for example, high floor vase, floor fixtures, supports - floor lamps with sculptural products on them, Racks. variant of symmetric accommodation of a doorway is especially typical for vestibules. truth, an external door from party(side) hall may be sunk in a niche of a doorway which in a main wall is always wider than door block, and in this case to close up a pier above door decorative panel simulating continuation of a door, senselessly as door and panel will be in different planes. But in rest principle of registration Around of a door spaces with idea of allocation interior solid wood doors as centre of symmetry interior planes does not vary, unless there are even more opportunities for his(its) realization. For example, on each side interior door in hall besides commode can place two hangers for clothes to put two one-folding cases, two padded stools; on piers to hang up identical mirrors or a sconce.
    In general, peripheral registration of a door, which separate examples here are given, concerns to major receptions of embedding interior solid wood doors in an interior of a premise ( room ) . door should not be allocated in a wall: are necessary design a sheaf, providing smooth Arrangement her(it) in an interior. A narrow pier between a door and a perpendicular wall to it(her) - a successful place for accommodation On a wall subjects of a decor, Vase, Shelfs, small pictures and photos which Visually will wash away border between a doorway and this wall. One big or some small pictures or carpet to a wall near to an asymmetrical door will smooth top of a door towering, for example, above a sofa. picture on size door a wall aperture originally will finish a door stain in a wall.
    Use of pictures on adjoining to interior solid wood doors to a wall for inclusion interior solid wood doors in general composition interior Panels is successful decision in many cases
    These and many other design tricks which you can think up, following a principle of optical association interior solid wood doors with furniture and others forming an interior of wall panel subjects, will allow to avoid effect of a birthmark on a wall.
    In small premises(rooms) interior door sharply should not be allocated on a background of a floor, walls or furniture. This rule can be interpreted so; in small premises(rooms) interior door should be optical continuation of those areas which dominate in an interior. If in a room, for example covering of a floor board or parquet, made out under natural color of a tree, and is rather free from furniture, there is a sense to trim interior a door veneer or plastic as a parquet or plates. Furnish of walls wooden Reliefs is necessary for continuing in furnish of a door. And why to not trim interior a door plastic Plates if walls are trimmed with them?
    The saturation of market glues with death grip allows to realize practically any imagination connected to furnish of solid wood doors. With masking interior doors in a wall pasted over painted atop of plaster, business is even easier: color interior doors should not differ from color strikingly Walls. It is interesting, though variant of masking doors Curtains from textiles which approaches for solid wood doors close located is not deprived romanticism, To a window (there are also such variants of a lay-out), or for solid wood doors sunk in a thick (capital) wall. If thus Curtains on doors Will be same, as well as at Windows, perfectly. It is natural, that Curtains beautifully it is necessary to issue Overlays and to collect at a level 0,8 - 1,0 meters from a floor in a waist with help decorative Tapes. Except for specified rule, at registration interior doors not will be guided by following positions.
    - solid wood doors located opposite to a window, it is not necessary to varnish up to Lustrous shine - they will press reflected daylight.
    - Style of furnish interior should be combined doors with style of furniture: interior doors with relief panels are good in an environment carved or trimmed superimposed panels of furniture; glazed or deaf persons will be in harmony with smooth furniture; Carved with partial With glass will be To correspond with glazed solid wood doors .
    - In small premises(rooms) interior doors should be less appreciable, than in big.
    - It is desirable for door of bathing and toilet rooms to do(make) from inside smooth (the best variant - furnish by plastic): panels look in bathrooms too grandiosely and demand more laborious leaving(care) for their maintenance(contents) in cleanliness. Besides at Carved doors is a lot of secret Corners for a congestion of a moisture and a dirty.
    Take on a note.
    On Carved solid wood doors more dust and dirties, than on glass or smooth accumulates; especially in grooves and Connecting seams of panels.
    Similar lack corrugated surfaces of figured glass used for With glass of doors suffer also. Also it is not necessary to overlook functional features of this or that type interior a door and special requirements with which they should satisfy.
    - Glazed interior to a door on reasons it is warm - and Absorption of light are undesirable to working and children's rooms, bedrooms and kitchens, and also as general - for adjacent rooms.
    - solid wood doors bathing, toilets and kitchens should be necessarily with thresholds, are carefully adjusted under a box and condensed about purpose of an obstacle of distribution on house of smells and noise.
    Receptions of an ornament of doors may be diversified - here all depends on taste and art Feelings of master. One variants With glass it is possible to count not one ten, beginning(starting) from a kind of a used glass and finishing his(its) form. door glazed, for example, by multi-coloured glasses as a stained-glass window, very much will recover a laconic interior hall. Panels also are not irreplaceable means of an ornament of a door. For example, art list on smooth interior doors may be very pertinent in children's, on kitchen, in a bath (provided that she(it) is combined with color registration of these premises(rooms)). smooth wooden or plastic solid wood doors trimmed with a carved ornament from a tree or cast from plastic or metal are expressive. All focus consists only in that interior door with was in harmony with environmental subjects of a premise ( room ) . door trimmed with a metal decor, should To correspond with a metal decor of other subjects - fixtures, for example, metal inserts and lattices on furniture. groove on interior doors will look alone if not Stylishly will repeat in legs or Backs sofas or chairs) racks , in corners of lockers or commode, in legs or table-tops of tables.
    do not overlook one more reception of registration of doors, namely: different ways of furnish of its(her) both parties(sides). On any, goodness knows where from undertaken Traditions, it is accepted to count, that interior door should look equally from its(her) both parties(sides). Why, it is asked? Why it is impossible to trim interior a door from party(side) hall white smooth plastic, and from party(side) of inhabited of a room - wooden panels, if It is necessary, that she(it) corresponded(met) to different styles of both premises(rooms)? One more theme for creativity: registration of door and open apertures as arches. All of us have got tired of an abundance of right angles in interiors of our apartments. An aperture in a wall as a graceful arch, interior a door with oval or other curvilinear outline of top bring I skin also a romantic jet in severe shape of a rectangular interior on advantage.

    Exterior Steel entry doors . Price Steel entry doors . Outdoors steel. Chinese doors. Metal doors
    Pin wooden doors Doors MDF, HDF Solid wood doors Wood veneer doors Exklusive doors alder
    Sliding doors, Collapsible doors. Doods - according, Doors partitions

    Construction and repair. Wood production, Materials wood industry

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    Interior Doors, Exterior Doors. Protection and safety of dwelling

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  • MDF Interior Doors, HDF Interior Doors.
  • Steel entry doors, Exterior Doors, Doors Metal.
  • Install interior doors. Instruction of installation.
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