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    Home decorating. Home decor accessories Congo

    What do we should construct cottage? We shall draw - we shall live, - everyone know these lines from a children's poem. But only not many know, that this most we "shall draw" as a matter of fact is half of success of construction. In fact even to make a small house for a birdy of type of a starling house, it is necessary though somehow to estimate a parity of walls, size of an input, etc. So then to speak about such construction as a cottage? All Here should be stipulated: and rooms for all members of family, and kitchen, and as technical premises. And too it is not bad to think of a lay-out of an adjoining site in advance. So, first question which should to you be solved in connection with forthcoming construction, will be connected with designing a cottage.

    Designing of a cottage occurs in some stages and can be presented by following concepts: your idea, architectural project, building project which will include complete set of design drawings and complete set of drawings and documentation on engineering systems. We shall consider these concepts more in detail. The idea is a set of yours « I want, that was here so ». Here it is not necessary to reflect on conformity of volumes, used materials and an arrangement of cesspools especially. Let it will be flight of your imagination as which terminators only individual wishes of each of members of family can serve, yes thickness of your purse. rest - business of professionals. Having received from you exhaustive information that you wish to receive as a result, competent architects will start second design stage of a cottage, namely to a part designated as architectural project. Here already it is necessary to design in details ïîýòàæíîå an arrangement of rooms, facades, to think over used materials, and as to take care of that your cottage was looked harmoniously on a background of surrounding district. At this stage you should supply with following drawings and documents: Plans of floors, architectural cuts, facades, situational plan and general plan and as explanatory note should be applied on all to it.

    But meanwhile your house still exists in somebody metaphysical sense and neither to concrete district, nor to any systems of communications is not adhered. Here third design stage of a cottage - creation of building project also begins. It is important meaning that on it will depend, on how many in your cottage it will be convenient from point of view of engineering and communication systems. At this stage experts will develop following details: plan and cuts of base, projects of overlappings, plan of development of ventilating channels, sheet and drawings of crosspieces, plans of a design of a roof, and as projects of all constructive elements (for example, êðûëåö).

    So, designing of a cottage is completed. On hands you have a heap of drawings and plans. There is a question: that now with all it to do. Most easier, certainly, to give same civil engineering firm - let to itself realize in a life your dream in conformity with all plans. And all would be remarkable, if before it it was not necessary to pass one more small, but, alas, not always pleasant procedure - authentication of all these papers in corresponding instances. As a result you receive one paper with proud name « Passport of project » which should be approved in local management of architecture and town-planning. However if most in all this bustle to be engaged it would not be desirable, firm-builder can offer you services as agreed project or advise you firm, engaged decision of similar questions. As a rule, solid organizations have courses of action so, all this procedure will borrow from them much less time, than at you. And main thing, they can save to you weight of energy and nerves that is important. Now, when project is approved, you need to wait only terminations of construction and to be pleased to new house!

    The cottage is not simply four walls, a floor and a ceiling. cottage is that place where to you it is cosy where to you are always glad where it is possible to forget about all vanity of world around. Therefore, getting a country house or a cottage, it is necessary to lean on sensations as much as possible. In fact if cottage at once has not arranged you, law « will be endured - will be grown fond » here hardly will help.

    But process of a choice of a cottage exclusively by visual criteria will be infinite and what to do, if you wish to construct a cottage under individual project. How to be? For beginning it is necessary to see simply all projects of cottages which architect of that building office where you have decided to address can offer you. However here again you can receive weight of variants, choose from which house of dream rather inconveniently. Therefore, before to break to viewing projects of cottages, be defined for itself, from what material your house will be executed. Standardly it is offered on a choice following variants: a cottage from a tree, from a brick, frame house or combined.

    Each project, undoubtedly, has advantages. So, brick cottage is under construction how to be spoken, forever. In such house it will be possible to not worry about major overhaul, at least, years 100. So, all means enclosed in it with interest will pay back. wooden cottage is carried out, as a rule, from a bar and does not require external and internal furnish. Though it is frequent for increase characteristics and a dense forest of an aesthetics such houses a brick or decorative.

    The European suburban small houses, with sticking out, painted in dark color, bearing bars and white are familiar to all. These small houses can serve as a bright illustration to such concept as a frame cottage. Ease and, simultaneously, durability. Knowingly these designs were so highly are estimated in Europe. These designs are good that walls in them practically do not bear any loading so, inside of house of a wall can be located somehow or at all be absent. The combined variant of a cottage represents symbiosis of brick and wooden cottages. strong bottom from a brick allows to experiment wooden top. Beauty and convenience - here distinctive features of such project.

    The competent project of a cottage should provide all up to trifles: appearance of house, an internal arrangement of rooms and technical premises, plans of engineering communications and a lay-out of a personal plot. Therefore in a correct architectural workshop at you first of all will take an interest about topographical features of district, hydro-geological conditions, presence of roads, electrosupply, etc. Cottage is all house for seasonal residing, however, at desire, there it is possible to live and in winter. Therefore in project internal sources of heating should be precisely specified all. Usually it happens system of water heating, but application of fireplaces and furnaces is possible also.

    Water supply in a cottage usually goes from a well or a chink, water drain represents local âûãðåá. Electroposting carry out open or closed type. Not a unimportant detail at designing cottages is quantitative structure of family. In fact in this house of a place should suffice all! Therefore to divide rooms it is better in project and to coordinate it with members of family. That after construction it has not turned out, that someone have lodged in a room which in project has been designated as a closet. If you have conceived a two-storeyed cottage is better to provide rooms for elderly members of family on a ground floor. Reasonable distribution of rooms will allow to use space of a cottage most functionally and salutarily to be reflected in its appearance. As a rule, area of a cottage êîëåáëåòñÿ from 100 up to 150 m2 so, places in your house should suffice all.

    Designing of a elite cottage. Congo

    The word "elite" occurs from French word elite which is translated as " best, perfect ". In Russian to it, core, value were added also such as: reliable, respectable and, certainly, road. All with full confidence can be carried these definitions and to such concept as " elite cottage " . Quality of an elite cottage is traced in all: beginning from a material from which it is executed, and finishing such trifle of internal furnish as door handles. But first of all "elite" is, certainly, size. Elite it is considered a cottage, whose area makes not less than 600 m2, and size of a personal plot is equal, at least, to hectare. Thus there is a precise gradation of zones on inhabited and technical. Separate bedrooms concern to premises for all members of family, a drawing room, table, bedrooms for visitors and as every possible billiard rooms, chimney, etc. thus it is necessary to pay special attention on a lay-out of a cottage. Specify at all members of family where they would wish to have a room, with Windows on what party of light, what size should be wardrobe (or how many a place it will be allocated under cases). Such preliminary planning will help to avoid with further various problems connected, for example, by that to elderly members of family will uneasy rise in room on second or third floor. same concerns premises for entertainments, whether it be a billiard room or a house cinema hall. Frequently occurs so, that these rooms are not visited by weeks, and even months exclusively that are very inconveniently located. technical premises in an elite cottage should be as much as possible isolated from inhabited. So if your plans include use of services of attendants it is necessary to think of roundabout galleries and corridors. As it is necessary to take care of accommodation of all sanitary units in one place, that to sanitary technician, performing work, it was not necessary to come into a master's bathroom. elite cottage is not easier house , it is harmonious ensemble with all surrounding district. Therefore correct will take care and of adjoining territory. At modern achievements in field of landscape design to make it it is absolutely simple. Competent experts, having discussed with all of you your wishes, will create for you paradise. Artificial lakes and falls, avenues and flower beds, secluded and cosy - all it will help to recreate an atmosphere cantri cultures 18 - 19 centuries. severity of forms of French park or freedom and naturalness of English - to solve to you. By way, about style. elite cottage in itself has no any attachment to strictly certain style. Though some tendencies in a fashion on styles are traced and in given area of construction. So, for today one of most popular styles in construction of cottages is classicism. Severity of forms, symmetry, registration graceful, but not elaborate columns - here bright attributes of given direction. But popular as there are also cottages in American-Canadian style and a modernist style. But main parameter at a choice of architectural style all is equal owe your personal predilections. If only all ensemble has been sustained in a uniform key, otherwise you risk to pass for person insipid. Is better, if your tastes, habits and predilections will as much as possible brightly be reflected in your house. In fact it not only will create weight of convenience to residing in a cottage, but also will favourably emphasize your individuality, and impression on associates will make due - in fact if person remains true to itself even in construction for certain it is possible to rely on it in all.

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