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Interior design house, cottages, hotels, apartments. What is interior design Congo

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  • Interior design house, cottages, hotels, apartments Congo

    Influence of an interior of house or office on person to overestimate difficultly. Our sincere condition, health depends on design of an interior. Therefore problem design-studio - to create an interior in which will live or work, fill comfortably and pleasantly with its harmony and a cosiness.

    Feature of company "NIRGOS" is complex approach to designing design of interiors of apartments, offices, development of exclusive interiors of houses and cottages.

    The creative potential of our designers and modern technologies allow you to make an apartment unlike on any another.

    The diplomaed designers working in company Vira-ArtStroj owing to long-term experience of creation of design of apartments in Moscow and other cities of Russia, and also design of country houses and cottages, can realize project of any complexity. From design of typical apartments up to design of elite apartments constructed under individual project, from design of an interior of a tiny cottage up to design of an interior of huge house.

    All work on creation of new design of an interior of a cottage, house or an apartment shares on some basic stages:

  • Development outline design-project
  • Visualization of design of an interior
  • Creation of equipment design
  • Creation of projects of engineering communications
  • Architectural supervision
  • Dressing

    Development of concept of design of an interior of a cottage, house or apartment begins with your direct acquaintance to designer, statement of all wishes in occasion of new design of an apartment or design of a country cottage. desirable quantity of rooms and subsidiary premises, structure of family, desirable style of an interior, rough parameters of budget of forthcoming repair, etc. stipulate great volume of information on your needs, wishes and habits designer will possess, more quickly and easier you will come to a variant which will arrange you completely.

    The first stage of work above design project is development of outline sketch of design of an interior. It is a stage on which decision on a lay-out is formed, stylistics of registration, basic approach to zoning space, to a design of floors, ceilings, a choice of types of finishing materials, etc.

    After statement of one of offered variants it is possible to start visualization of project, i.e. to representation « in volume » design of an interior of house or an apartment by means of programs Archicad or 3D Studio Max, that will allow you "to walk" on future interior of a cottage or an apartment.

    Then we it is started a following stage - to equipment design. It represents detailed study of outline sketch of design of an interior approved by you. To sate with its maintenance, it is necessary to make selection of all necessary finishing materials, to choose doors, Windows, furniture, to sanitary technician, home appliances, etc.

    For this purpose during work above design-project certain quantity of trips with designer on interiors is stipulated. Everything coordinated with you from resulted above list, will find reflection on drawings of equipment design.

    Preparation of equipment design of design of an interior is laborious enough work, in which basis drawing up of calculations and development of constructive elements.

    The result looks as complete set from more than two tens plans and sheets, from plan of dismantle of partitions before development of walls with an allocation of a tile, plans of a ceiling, accommodation of lighting devices, explications of floor coverings, plan of arrangement of furniture and others.

    Drawings and are intended to sheet for experts who will embody your ideas during a life. detailed list of plans of equipment design it is possible to study design-project on page.

    More prosy, but from that not less important work in business of creation of a new interior of house or an apartment is creation of projects of engineering communications. That is it is a question of numerous calculations, schemes, drawings and plans of heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, water drain, an electric equipment, video observation, security and fire signal systems, systems of cable lines (TV, a telephony, Internet, a house cinema, etc.)

    Architectural supervision. During time of civil work often there is a necessity to bring those or others editing in work. Besides variants when there is a necessity for replacement of one kind of finishing or building materials on another are possible. In this case operative updating in drawings which will allow to get rid of unpleasant consequences is necessary.

    The great value at creation of new design of an interior of a cottage, house or an apartment has dressing. At this stage of work as talent and creative abilities of designer are never important. In fact choice and arrangement of lighting devices, textile design lay down on its shoulders (bed-clothes, cloths, curtains and curtains), selection of pictures, sculptures and accessories.

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